On the eve of every new year, I take time to envision the twelve months ahead and choose three to five “qualities of being,” or “themes” to guide my decisions and behavior. For example, in 2019 I chose “purposeful,” “bouyant” and “spacious.” I further define what these themes mean to me in action terms and then periodically review them to confirm or correct my course.
In three days a new decade will begin. I realize I have an opportunity to reflect on the “qualities of being” I want to manifest—not only for the coming year—but for the decade ahead. And, what qualities am I willing to commit to—not only for myself personally—but as an active participant in our world’s unfolding?
To put this question into the span of a decade and within a more public sphere is…well, seriously thought provoking! It’s also an important invitation.
I promise to reflect on this and will share not only the qualities of being I want to focus on for 2020, but also my intention for the energetic imprint I wish to bring to the world for the decade. I invite you to join me and I’d love to hear what you choose!
May we journey well into the new decade!