May 3, 2021

Digitized Soul. Spirit emerges from binary code space

Do You Realize How Magnificent You Are?

You are approximately 37.2 trillion cells, each contributing to the “community” known as your body. And consider this–the only cells in your body that are the same age as you are the neurons in your cerebral cortex, the cells of your eyes’ inner lenses, and the muscle cells of your heart.

Since so relatively few cells in our body are as old as we are, what is it that makes us our age? The only answer I can come up with is…our memory!

Curious that scientists claim our oldest memories are held in the cells of the cerebral cortex. I’d say it’s a good thing those cells hang around!And our hearts…those life-long heart cells pump approximately 2.5 billion times during an average life span, moving 2,000 gallons of blood through the body each day. Those cells also emit our strongest electro-magnetic field–the source of our intuitive wisdom and “carrier” of our emotional energy out into the world.

No matter which human cell we are talking about, however brief or enduring its lifespan, when you get to the smallest entity within that cell that science has been able to identify–its sub-atomic particles–there is a point when all goes poof! and what remains is a/the void.

It is existence before existence, so to speak, and thus the source of all existence. Sub-atomically, this makes you a no-thing and an every-thing at the same time!

As you walk, talk, eat and sleep today, realize 37.2 trillion cells are working in unison so that you can successfully live.

How does this miracle of cooperation change your relationship to your physical being and perception of wellness?

Realize that “you” are older than practically every cell in your body. How does this change your relationship to your life stories? What do you need to carry and what can you let go of, because it is literally no longer you?

Realize your no-thing-ness and your every-thing-ness. If you are indeed this little and this big, how does this shift your perspective on the circumstances and events of your life?

Realize your energetic field, radiating 10 feet in all directions from your heart. If you fully inhabited this space with your consciousness, how would that affect your movement in the world? Your relationships?

Realize that what you think, feel, and want is the “executive suite” overseeing this “community” of YOU. If you fully embraced this responsibility, what would that look like? Which leadership qualities would you want to see in action?

This is how magnificent you are…and how powerful, too!

Inquiry Invitation: Choose one of the realizations shared above and ponder the questions. What shifts in your perspective and personal leadership do they invite?

About the author 

Martha Hopewell

“A leader doesn’t get the message across; a leader IS the message!” I coach clients worldwide to embrace the opportunity AND the responsibility of this truth by building their credibility and skill to become remarkable change-makers. I look forward to helping you show up bigger and better for what you care about while taking good care of yourself, and nurturing communities of effort that are positive, productive, and rewarding for your organization and your team.

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