December 29, 2019

Martha Hopewell - sunset on the seashore

On the eve of every new year, I take time to envision the twelve months ahead and choose three to five “qualities of being,” or “themes” to guide my decisions and behavior. For example, in 2019 I chose “purposeful,” “bouyant” and “spacious.” I further define what these themes mean to me in action terms and then periodically review them to confirm or correct my course.

In three days a new decade will begin. I realize I have an opportunity to reflect on the “qualities of being” I want to manifest—not only for the coming year—but for the decade ahead. And, what qualities am I willing to commit to—not only for myself personally—but as an active participant in our world’s unfolding?

To put this question into the span of a decade and within a more public sphere is…well, seriously thought provoking! It’s also an important invitation.

I promise to reflect on this and will share not only the qualities of being I want to focus on for 2020, but also my intention for the energetic imprint I wish to bring to the world for the decade. I invite you to join me and I’d love to hear what you choose!

May we journey well into the new decade!


About the author 

Martha Hopewell

“A leader doesn’t get the message across; a leader IS the message!” I coach clients worldwide to embrace the opportunity AND the responsibility of this truth by building their credibility and skill to become remarkable change-makers. I look forward to helping you show up bigger and better for what you care about while taking good care of yourself, and nurturing communities of effort that are positive, productive, and rewarding for your organization and your team.

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